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Biblical Series IX The Call to Abraham  00h35m51s
afraid of the power of men because it's confused about the distinction between
power and authority and competence like an a man who's who has Authority and
competence has power as a byproduct but the authority and competence is everything and and and people who can't understand that failed to make the distinction between power and authority of competence

Biblical Series XII The Great Sacrifice Abraham and Isaac  02h26m58s
out what you want because you were saying well it's not merely rational it's like yeah yeah that's for sure you
have to bargain from a position of authority let's say not power Authority is a better word but you don't have
authority unless you know what you're talking about and unless you can bring some unless you can bring some let's say force it's not that's not the right word you can negotiate without anyone unless you can say no and you

June 2017 Patreon Q&A  00h27m42s
because you're domesticated like a bloody puppy or a sheep but because
that's the way to genuine Authority and influence and and the capacity to do
great good in the world and that's like an exciting call to adventure and I think that that's a modern sophisticated intellectual equivalent to something like an initiation ritual and so I hope to be like promoting that message more and more I was speaking to member of one

September Patreon Q&A  00h34m01s
to regulate and control them and to use them as part of your power I mean a
person or authority let's say a person who has Authority is someone who's
integrated the dangerous parts of themself and that's part gives their words gravitas and weight and so yes I think you could you could harness them for goodness and I think that's the right thing to do but it will involve a fair bit of painful

New Years 2017 Q&A  00h10m37s
because they're not behaving well they're behaving disgracefully say or
their or they're challenging your position in the Authority hierarchy to
regularly something you won't put up with by the way even if you think you will it's necessary to get your disciplinary routine straight so the first thing I would say is figure out what the rules are there shouldn't be

2014 Personality Lecture 14: Psychometrics (Biology and Traits)  01h02m23s
combination of traits agreeableness
polite people respect Authority and they
do not believe that they're better than others and compassionate people are interested

2015 Maps of Meaning 6: Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)  00h04m40s
I think you could think about that as
Authority you know I mean people
especially rather simple-minded social critics like to think that dominance hierarchies are only based on power

2015 Maps of Meaning 6: Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)  00h05m04s
isn't dominance precisely its authority
and Authority is a better way of
thinking about it so then the question might be well how is our Authority represented and then also what is it and

2015 Maps of Meaning 6: Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)  00h05m08s
thinking about it so then the question
might be well how is our Authority
represented and then also what is it and so imagine that for up chimp or maybe for now we'll go with chimp because we

2015 Maps of Meaning 6: Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)  00h05m54s
authority from the authority holder and
you can start to think about Authority
itself right in an in a troop like an a chimp troop there's no Authority independent of the thing that's at the

2015 Maps of Meaning 6: Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)  00h06m00s
itself right in an in a troop like an a
chimp troop there's no Authority
independent of the thing that's at the top it's completely embodied even though you might be able to say if you were an

2015 Maps of Meaning 6: Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)  00h06m33s
conceptualize the principles that make
Authority Authority so and that's
because we can abstract and because we can represent we've been doing that for a very long period of time

2015 Maps of Meaning 6: Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)  00h10m19s
that's eternal so and why is that
well it's because what makes Authority
Authority is stable across hierarchies the hierarchies can come and go but the concept itself has an eternal element to

2015 Maps of Meaning 6: Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)  00h10m21s
well it's because what makes Authority
Authority is stable across hierarchies
the hierarchies can come and go but the concept itself has an eternal element to it because it remains constant across

2015 Maps of Meaning 6: Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)  00h30m41s
bigger representation of the picture
so that's Authority what is Authority
well there's a know I'm hoping it's been awhile since I looked at these pictures I'm hoping that picture that I think

2015 Maps of Meaning 6: Mythology: Introduction / Part 1 (Jordan Peterson)  00h52m09s
representation of what constitutes
Authority there's the there's God the
Father you see he's kind of got a little pyramid Hackel on which i think is quite cool and it also I think helps explain

Existentialism Talk  00h17m46s
offer and what they're going to take you have to turn it over to something like a
centralized Authority and you know that's just well you don't need much imagination to understand that that
would be an absolute catastrophe and it was an absolute catastrophe now one of the things that's really interesting about Dostoyevsky's book The Devil's is that it's segways almost perfectly into Alexander Solzhenitsyn scription of the emergence of the

2016/10/03: Part 2: Compulsory Political Education: A Real World Case Study at the U of Toronto  00h09m11s
who are being consulted to make the policy to begin with have the competence
and authority necessary Authority legitimacy to to to to promote such
policies and then finally the assumption that such training will make the situation assuming there is a situation that needs to be addressed better rather than worse all right so that's eight problems and we're going to take we're going to take a very close look at each

2016/11/08: My Message to Millenials: How to Change the World -- Properly  00h17m53s
You can think and speak and communicate in writing? You're you're unbelievably?
powerful in the Authority Manner because
arguments move the world Forward and if your arguments are tight and [well-constructed] and Lucid and well edited and carefully thought through and you have five rationales for everything that you're doing Which is what happens if you learn to write properly, then you're like a force of nature man

2017/04/21: A Left-Wing Case for Free Speech  00h15m00s
digital image so engineers are worth are you guys holding it all right
and so for any war he you know they are dividing cat Authority debt and the vs.
the luckiest with that amazing coming all the work there's a lot of I didn't say a skill to some robotic loss to take a good but locally automatics man walking you know that we played Monopoly games turn my key that you're going to

2017/04/21: A Left-Wing Case for Free Speech  01h14m59s
that of ages of postmodernist they know effected a post-mortem is because that's
where they turn partisan Authority results because you can't do anything if
your host Marcus because there's no proper solution so anyway back to receive yeah I think the jumping yeah but reducing as a bar you should have a lot of people you can tell one stupid and then imagine our participants and no

Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson  00h16m00s
that seems to be everything that they believe in they don't believe in
competence they don't believe in Authority they don't seem to believe in
an objective world because everything is language mediated so it's an extraordinarily cynical perspective that that because there's an infinite number of interpretations none of them are canonical you can attribute it

Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson  00h33m51s
that's being played out in our society right now is that there's this and it's it's related in some way that I don't
understand to this to this insistence that all forms of masculine Authority
are nothing but tyrannical power so the symbolic representation is tyrannical father with no appreciation for the benevolent father and benevolent mother with no appreciation whatsoever for the tyrannical mother right and that's that and because I thought of ideologies as

Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson  00h36m48s
thought was really important because part of what I see happening is that like I think that women whose
relationship with men have has been seriously pathologized cannot distinguish between male Authority and
competence and male tyrannical power like they fail to differentiate because all they see is the oppressive male and then they may have had experiences that that their experiences with men might have been rough enough so that that differentiation never occurred because

Intersectionality, individuality and the hero: a discussion with Jonathan Pageau  00h33m00s
but in a in a strain in a very kind of strange ways different right so so like
a legitimate ruler has to be bound by proper sovereign Authority exact not if he gave himself to the to the to the
Senate and said I'm at your service and so it made him very powerful but he also kind of bound his power through in the Senate right right well you see that emerging as early as Mesopotamia where Marduk or where the Emperor had to act out his his embodiment of Marduk in the

Swedes want to know....  00h35m34s
have this vague and undifferentiated sense of masculinity they say they see
everything that is associated with Authority as equivalent to tyranny failing to understand completely that
Authority in a properly function society is based on competence they don't believe in confidence anyways you know that's part of the whole postmodern yeah that's just a coaster to keep power yeah exactly well everything's about power for the bloody post modernists and that also excuses their use of power yes and

Swedes want to know....  00h35m41s
everything that is associated with Authority as equivalent to tyranny failing to understand completely that
Authority in a properly function society is based on competence they don't believe in confidence anyways you know
that's part of the whole postmodern yeah that's just a coaster to keep power yeah exactly well everything's about power for the bloody post modernists and that also excuses their use of power yes and this is I mean in Sweden we have girls have always outperformed boys in school

Australia's John Anderson  00h38m12s
did something that I to be wrong and not because of some
external Authority defining it as wrong but in relationship to his own
conscience right and then he was going to determine if there was some way that could be rectified now to atone for it right - to become at one with it again and so that was part of the process he undertook and the concluding consequence of that was that he wrote the Gulag